The company Trieste, with its Division Harpo verdepensile sticks to the task force to do the work for energy improvement (and environmental) of the housing estates in Milan. The energy savings? Put the green roof. Div>
A trip to Milan in condominiums, area by area, to help them save energy while increasing the aesthetic and commercial value. div>
It ‘Habitami of the project, an initiative promoted by Legambiente among others, under the auspices of the Municipality of Milan, who has put together a network of companies and professionals working in the field of energy improvement with the aim of providing answers and solutions to condominiums less “virtuous” in terms of consumption. A benefit of the bill (and the environment). Div>
Harpo Group, historical based company leader in providing design solutions for civil and environmental engineering-oriented green building, has now joined the initiative with its Division verdepensile. Yes, because, an orchard or a garden on the roof can save you up to 30% of energy, not to mention the gain in terms of aesthetics. That green roofs are energy smart, on the other hand, it upheld a recent decision by the Ministry of Environment which provides tax relief of up to 65% for those who choose the green roof, green roof equating any other energy upgrading . div>
“Green roofs have many advantages, especially in cities – explains Maurizio Crassus, Director of the Division verdepensile Harpo – in addition to increasing the value of the property, are a perfect solution to save energy and are good for the environment. All this, in the face of cost if we think that a square meter of green garden with small plants can cost between 100 and 120 Euros. Habitami is an amazing opportunity and initiative meritorious seen that in a few months, Milan will host the Expo, all dedicated to the environment. The hanging gardens in this context become even more valuable because they contribute to biodiversity protection being true micro-habitats “. Div>
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why choose a green roof? Here is a summary of the benefits for a condo: div>
– Cool in summer, warm in winter: The green roof is ideal to maintain pleasant temperatures all year round. Summer temperatures favor the spontaneous recovery of heat through the roof from early morning to late at night keeping the rooms pleasantly cool. In winter it is warm because the green roof increases the thermal resistance of about 10% to help retain heat. Div>
– Energy savings: energy savings of up to 30%. div>
– the roof lasts longer: Contrary to popular belief, a beautiful roof garden makes it last longer the weather sealing, because the waterproof layer is protected from the excursion daily temperature, frost, UV rays and from any possible mechanical damage. div>
– beautiful and possible costs of green roofs are low compared to the benefits: about 70 euro per square meter for only make the green grass, between 100 and 120 euro per square meter for the green grass and small plants, about 200 euro per square meter for green lawn and shrubs. The average cost for a condo is around 30 thousand Euros and the tax deductions you can get to halve the cost. Div>
Here, the benefits for the environment: div>
– Improvement of the microclimate: Reduction in emissions of carbon dioxide. div> div>
– Prevention of flooding: water retention that can touch the peaks of 70-90% and thus lightening the load on the network channeling dell’acque white making walking the road of re-use of rainwater for irrigation, and filtration prior recovery. div>
– filtering of dust (10-20% less) and fixation of nutrients from air and rain. div>
– Protection against noise through lower surface reflection and soundproofing summit. div>
– positive Influence on the indoor climate. div>
(Photo: a roof Cinisello Balsamo – MI) div>
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