It’s game on Oct. 16, on the occasion of World Food Day, the initiative “Just eat it,” campaign to raise awareness of food waste aimed at students of secondary schools in Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta, which named after the film successfully presented the latest edition of the festival “CinemAmbiente.” div>
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This is the second phase of the project “a good opportunity” designed and implemented by the Region of Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta: the issue is the fight against food waste, at the top the agendas of public policies in Italy and in the world. The economic crisis, in fact, has only partially reduced the amount of food wasted. The confirmation comes from a very significant: only in Italy, the value of household food waste in a year, reaching 8.1 billion euro (source: Waste watcher 2014). Div>
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Ninety colleges involved and more than 10,000 students between the ages of 14 and 19 years, thanks to the collaboration of the regional Education Office Superintendent of Piedmont and the Aosta studies, until March attend the screening of the film-documentary by Grant Baldwin “Just eat it – a Food Waste Story” and participate in discussions led by consumer associations. On October 16, the film will be presented in nine schools in Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta, in the presence of testimonials from the world of culture, entertainment, sport and journalism.
The initiative does not stop there: through a competition students will present ideas (in the form of drawings, photos, text, video) to highlight the value of food and the consequences of its waste. Throughout 2015, moreover, there is a series of actions aimed at boys in primary and secondary schools.
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The Beginning of the awareness campaign was anticipated from the press conference, which took place on the morning of Wednesday, October 15, at the Mole Antonelliana. At the end there was the debate with the experts of the Piedmont Region, Slow Food and CinemAmbiente that are realizing the project “A good opportunity.”
more information visit . div>
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* GOURMET the column is edited by, the portal tof good food, affordable for everyone. div>
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